Transferring money using YaYa Wallet is quick and straightforward, whether you're sending funds from one YaYa Wallet account to another or transferring to a different bank. Follow these detailed steps for each method:
Sending Money from YaYa Wallet to YaYa Wallet
Log In to Your Account: Open the YaYa Wallet app and log in using your credentials.
Select the Send Money Option: On the home screen, tap the "Send Money" option.
Enter Recipient's Phone Number: Input the phone number of the recipient who also has a YaYa Wallet account.
Specify the Amount: Enter the amount of money you wish to send.
Confirm the Transaction: Review the details of your transaction and confirm to complete the transfer. You will receive a notification confirming the successful transaction.
Sending Money from YaYa Wallet to a Bank
Log In to Your Account: Launch the YaYa Wallet app and log in.
Select Bank Transfer: On the home screen, tap on the "Bank Transfer" option.
Choose the Bank: From the list of available banks, select the bank where you want to send the money.
Enter Account Information: Input the recipient’s bank account number accurately.
Specify the Amount: Enter the amount you wish to transfer to the bank account.
Continue to Send the Money: Tap "Continue" to proceed with the transfer. Review your details once more, and confirm the transaction.
Whether sending money between YaYa Wallet accounts or making a bank transfer, the process is designed to be user-friendly and efficient. Enjoy seamless transactions wherever you go!